README.TXT File To view and print the Mens Sana Foundation Book Sampler: a. Go to Program Manager, Main Window. b. Double click on the File Manager icon. c. Locate CGMINIVW.EXE file, and double click on it. The Common Ground Viewer will be launched. d. Click on File Menu. Then click on Open. e. You will be presented with a list of files, nine of them with a dp extension. Double click on them one at a time. You will be returned to the Common Ground Viewer screen where you will be able to view the selected file. We suggest that you view and print them in the following order: bkgnesis.dp covrbook.dp copyrite.dp epigraph.dp contents.dp preface .dp intro .dp chapter1.dp chapter2.dp chapter7.dp chapter9.dp orderfrm.dp To print any of the foregoing files, pull down the File Menu while in the Common Ground Viewer mode. Select Print Setup and then Specific Printer. Select your normal printer driver from the list in the drop down box. Click on OK. When you are returned to the Common Ground Viewer window, pull down the File Menu and click on Print. You will then be given the choice of printing the entire document or specific pages only. NOTE: Reading the documents onscreen will be tedious and awkward. Therefore, we urge that you read them from a printed copy instead.